Hard Drive - A Little Definition

Hard Drive

Hard Drive

Hard drive is a secondary storage media where data is stored in the form of an integrated magnetic metal on the disk (Hard Disk) that rotates. Currently Oxide disk made of material made with magnetic materials technology (Thin Film).

In a hard disk, there are usually more than one disc to enlarge the capacity of the stored data. Data is stored in a concentric circle, called tracks. And this track is divided into several segments, known as sectors. 

Hard Disk Component
Hard Disk Component
In the normal operation of reading data from and write to disk, hard disk uses a device called a head to do it. Head is made with Head photolothografi process is in each dish. Head is the next move looking for sector-specific sector to operate. The time required to find the sector - in hard disk sectors called Seek Time. Once the desired sector is found, then the head will rotate to look for tracks. Time to look for tracks is called Latency. Hard Drive is designed to be used as data storage media in the big capacity. If opened, visible eyes hard disk in tip-handled arm attached to the disk that can spin data stored in the hard disk will not be lost when not given voltage. Usually the hard drive is located inside the computer's internal devices, but now the hard drive can also be installed outside the computer using a USB cable, or who is often called the Portable Hard Drive

In essence, hard drive is a secondary data storage media which has a large capacity and has a read-write speeds are fast.